Petpointer is an innovative device in the ''pets'' section that we have recently introduced in Switzerland and Central Europe and for which are now searching for additional strong partners with whom we can expand our sales network worldwide
Nowadays, pets have a social function in many cases. In the U.S. alone, around 45 million households own dogs and 37 million households are home to pet cats. For many pet owners it is almost unbearable not to know where their little darling is. Did anything happen to my pet? Is my darling trapped somewhere?
For exactly this reason, have we developed the petpointer - the smallest and lightest GPS based pet tracking device worldwide. It works in over 220 countries ?and all of this without any additional roaming fees.
The petpointer was developed in cooperation with the “Schweizer Tiermeldezentrale?(Swiss animal reporting authority/ stmz), Swisscom, many specialists in tracking technology and engineers from the watchmaking industry. It is 100% Swiss designed and produced in Switzerland.
This way, pet owners can stop worrying about where their pet might be.
Some interesting facts about the petpointer:
•World's smallest GPS based pet tracking device
•Only weighs 28 grams
•Easy use: Simply attach to pet collar
•Battery life of 2-3 days (depending on request density)
•Simultaneous management of multiple devices with only one account
•Works with all satellite systems (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS)
•Interval and wake-up functions
•and much more?
Moreover, we from now on involve commerce in the selling of our service subscription. A subscription programme is necessary because GPS data need to be transferred to a central server from which users can access them. This transfer of data uses the GSM network, which makes it subject to a charge. In order to prevent rude awakenings, we are using a flat rate model that enables unlimited data retrieval in more than 220 countries worldwide.
By using a value card, which we will issue to retail traders on a commission basis, retailers can offer their customers the service subscriptions needed to operate the product. Each end of the month, commissions for sold subscriptions will be paid out. This applies to all newly registered subscriptions.
Gladly would I send you one of our “welcome kits?for testing purposes! All further information regarding the petpointer can be found on our homepage via www.petpointer.ch/en . What would be necessary to build a strong and professional partnership? What specific requirements need to be fulfilled?
I firmly thank you for your attention and am joyfully awaiting your reply.
If interested, do not hesitate to contact us at any time.
Yours faithfully,
Michael Winkler
Maploc AG
Seestrasse 20
6052 Hergiswil
Tel.: +41 (0)44 998 16 30
Contact Details